energy Savings

The less energy you use, the more you’ll save.

When it comes to saving energy, we try and follow the rules; turn the lights off when you leave a room, turn the a/c or heater off when you’re not home and if you’re not using your electronics, turn them off. The less energy you use, the more you’ll save. Right? But life, kids and elements don’t follow the rules. This is where automation comes into play.

Smart Thermostats

We all know how hot our summers can be, the use of a/c is now a staple in most households and every business. The idea of a smart thermostat is detecting you’ve gone and adjusting on the fly. Not only do you have the ability to program on the go, you can also access real-time usage information and consumption in charts and graphs.

Lighting Controls

Lighting is the second highest category of energy use! Drive down your costs with motion sensors which will detect when the room is empty and turn the lights off for you.

Smart Windows

hough you wouldn’t even think about it, windows can let in over 40% of unwanted heat during summer. To compensate, the air con is cranked up. With automation, control your curtains or blinds with a push of a button thus making this the easy and energy saving choice.

Contact us

Get in touch about our energy saving services for your business or home.